Friday, May 30, 2008

Most Powerful European Country?

I think Germany was the most powerful European colony, because of its large size and population. Germany had the larger land size and population, with only France being bigger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hiya, i presume that your talking pre WWI in 1914?

Germany may have had a larger land size in the centre of europe, however Britains empire as of 1914 covered 1/4 of the globe and after the Treaty of Versailles 1919, got bigger due to the mandates such as Palestine and Iraq. Also Britain had the largest navy, and had the battle hardened BEF however this was to be obliterated at the Moine, 1915 if memory serves me correct.

Also for future reference, Germany wasnt a colony as it wasnt under control from any other countries government. A colony would be India, Australia or Canada